Firewood Guide
Generally, hardwood logs are best for open fires because they tend not to spit excessively, however there are exceptions. Conifer wood tends to spit excessively when fresh, so is best used for sealed wood burning stoves, again there are exceptions. Many conifers also cause an oily, sticky ‘soot’ to form inside the chimney which can increase the risk of chimney fires. Once properly seasoned conifer wood can be successfully used on the open fire without excessive spitting. Ideally, conifer wood is best mixed with hardwood.
Wood that is going to be seasoned should be cut to length (300mm or 10″ to 18″), split to size and stacked. The stack should be completely covered on the top to prevent rain wetting the wood, but air must be allowed to reach the sides of the stack. Leave to season for at least 1 year (more if possible).
In simple terms, the word ‘seasoned’ means ‘dry’ and the term ‘green’ means ‘freshly cut from living tree’.
All wood will, when supported by lots of kindling and/or a good ember base, burn unseasoned. However, you may find some woods are not worth using in this state due to the length of ‘hissing’ time (as the water boils from within the wood) before they can burn.
The quality of the following firewood is based upon various characteristics such as its speed of burn, heat given off, tendency to spark (spit), ease of splitting, time required to season, etc.
Grade: 1 = Poor
Grade: 2 = Okay
Grade: 3 = Good
Grade: 4 = Excellent
Firewood rating table
Download our full guide to the best and worse woods to use on your fire.
Beautiful Old Oak Tree